Sekishu Kozogami Tsuru Paper

    SKU: TPB088001


    1 - 9 (Sheets) $10.96
    10 - 49 (Sheets) $9.81
    50 - 99 (Sheets) $8.65
    100 + (Sheets) $7.94
    $10.96 (Sheets)



    Handmade in Japan, 100% Kozo bu Mr. Kubota in Shimiane prefecture. Slightly darker in color and stronger due to the middle bark layer remaining and slightly more coarse as it is machine beaten and dried on a dryer. 
    Similar to Sekishu Mare which is hand beaten and dried on wooden boards.
    Ideal for conservation work, notable for its strength. 

    Sheet Size: 21" x 29"
    Weight:  21g/m2
    Color: Natural 

    A sample of this paper can be purchased in our Japanese Conservation Paper Sample Book.