Liberon Steel Wool

    SKU: Steel-Wool


    $10.03 to $63.91


    Liberon steel wool is the finest steel wool on the market. Unlike other brands, Liberon cleans the steel wool after manufacture to remove the oil used in the manufacturing process. Because the steel wool is virtually oil-free, it can be used without fear of contamination. The 0000 grade steel wool is finest grade made. This is the stuff that first made Liberon's well-deserved international reputation. It's fabulous for rubbing out a shellac or varnish finish, applying waxes, and other applications like that. It's also good for polishing metals such as bronze, copper, chrome, etc. and for cleaning (with soapy water) porcelain, marble and glass. We use it for everything. The big advantage for using 0000 steel wool when applying waxes is that the wool itself doesn't absorb any wax, and 0000 steel wool also helps rub out the finish at the same time.

    >b>Customer Tip: Dont tear the steel wool as it creates stress on the fibers and distorts the material. Use a scissor and cut th ematerial in the desired sections. Tip: Don't rip chunks of steel wool from a roll. That stresses the fibers and breaks them so they don't last as long. Use a scissors and cut off the required piece. Tip: Don't rip chunks of steel wool from a roll. That stresses the fibers and breaks them so they don't last as long. Use a scissors and cut off the required piece.

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