Legion Drawing and Framing Paper

  • Materials that have a pH of 7.0 or higher.
  • Need this item cut to size for a specific project? We can help. More info here.
SKU: Legion-Drawing


$301.37 to $355.89


This paper was born after artists started using Rising Museum Board for applications other than matting and framing. While still an excellent product for matting, backing, and framing; it is also great for drawing, silkscreen offset printing, light wet media applications and other artistic applications on a grand scale!

The subtle white tones and supple surface make this paper both luxurious and functional. And its availability in super wide rolls of 60 and 72 inches. Machinemade in the United States of 100% cotton, lights surface sizing, neutral pH, and no deckles.

This paper is the 1ply version of Rising Museum Board in white and Warm White colors in 60” and 72”, 250gsm, 20yd rolls.

- For conservation framing & matting they are excellent backing papers
- The level, slight textured surface make them ideal for all drawing techniques and because of roll sizes in warm white artists can expand their creativity by working larger.
- The great dimensionally stability make it perfect paper for silkscreen as the rolls can be sheeted or torn to size.
- Its modestly surface sized making it also suitable for offset printing and light wet-media applications as well as all drawing techniques.

Technical Information

-  Made in USA 
-  100% Cotton 
-  Neutral pH, Acid Free 
-  Lignin Free 
-  Chlorine Free 
-  Wide rolls for larger works 
-  Specialty Paper 

-  Conservation & Restoration 
-  Matting & Framing 
-  Pastel & Charcoal Silkscreen