Non-Adhesive Binding Vol 2 : 1-2 & 3 Section Sewings
Volume I:Books without Paste or Glue - Describes methods for binding using a minimum number of tools. Numerous photos and drawings to guide.
Volume II:1-2 and 3 Section Sewing - Numerous sewings for books with decorative spine designs for books with 4 - 100 pages.
Volume III:Exposed Spine Sewings - Instruction for raised support spines requiring only sewing.
Volume IV:Smith's Sewing Single Sheets - His fourth book on non-adhesive binding. These sewings can be used to bind single sheets of paper, board, plexiglass, or even metal. The bindings open flat to any page, unlike traditional post-bindings and stab bindings commonly used to bind single sheets.
Volume V:Quick Leather Bindings - All the bindings in Volume V are hard cover quarter leather. Tools are limited to needle and thread, scissors, bone folder, X-Acto knife and metal straightedge. Leather on the spine is limited to quarter leather to eliminate the messy process of trying to fold leather around the corners of the boards at the foredge, and all use of glue and paste is eliminated, saving time, eliminating weights and waits.
Volume II:1-2 and 3 Section Sewing - Numerous sewings for books with decorative spine designs for books with 4 - 100 pages.
Volume III:Exposed Spine Sewings - Instruction for raised support spines requiring only sewing.
Volume IV:Smith's Sewing Single Sheets - His fourth book on non-adhesive binding. These sewings can be used to bind single sheets of paper, board, plexiglass, or even metal. The bindings open flat to any page, unlike traditional post-bindings and stab bindings commonly used to bind single sheets.
Volume V:Quick Leather Bindings - All the bindings in Volume V are hard cover quarter leather. Tools are limited to needle and thread, scissors, bone folder, X-Acto knife and metal straightedge. Leather on the spine is limited to quarter leather to eliminate the messy process of trying to fold leather around the corners of the boards at the foredge, and all use of glue and paste is eliminated, saving time, eliminating weights and waits.