Coatings For Display And Storage In Museums
Coatings are used in museums, archives, and galleries for new construction, storage facilities, or exhibitions; but coatings have the potential to cause damage (such as corrosion and discoloration) to objects either by direct contact or the emission of volatile compounds. Most problems caused by contact can be solved by using interleaves, and problems related to volatile emission can be controlled by selecting appropriate coatings and allowing adequate drying periods. Coatings formed by oxidative polymerization (such as oil-based or alkyd coatings) emit harmful volatile compounds and should be avoided in conservation contexts. Other types of coatings are usually acceptable provided sufficient drying time is allowed: 4 days is usually enough in a ventilated room, but up to 4 weeks may be required in airtight enclosures such as well-sealed display cases and cabinets. The general recommendations in this document are based on the nature and use of the coatings rather than their trade names, as formulations may change. Information on the nature of coatings can be obtained from technical data or material safety data sheets, or tests can be run to determine the properties of a coating. The use of appropriate procedures and mitigation strategies will minimize any risk of damage. 46 pgs. Paperback.